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OUR VENDORS for 2013
•Steve/Jana Gerbitz
lettuce, radishes, swiss chard •Rhonda Headings/Becky Mitchell SPRING VALLEY SOAPWORKS homemade soap •Ricki Grunberg/Jane Leussler TRUTH SPRINGS of Sauk County jewelry (earrings, rings, bracelets +), wood items (writing pens, magic wands, key chains, honey dippers, +) •Tad Hoening arugula, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, spinach •Willy/Mary Kelley bedding plants, asparagus, radishes, spinach, flowers •James D. Smith vegetable plants |
•Paul/Christine Swanson/Paul Jr.
SPRING RUN FARM and THE BREADERY bakery items (breads, scones, +), cereal, coffee •Duane Thomas black walnuts, hickory nuts, jams, jellies •Robyn/John Tiller pottery, candles, honey, rhubarb, bouquets •Kenneth H. Yoder/Daniel Gingerich/Lizzie Shetler WINDY RIDGE BAKERY bakery items (pies, breads, cookies, pastries +), jams, candy, eggs, baskets •Clete Bomkamp asparagus, rhubarb, honey •Mitch McGaw GHOST EAGLE HONEY McADAMS RIVERIA APIARY honey, bees wax, bee pollen |