OUR VENDORS for 2014
•Clete Bomkamp
strawberries, asparagus •Dan Bomkamp Author books •Fran & Judy Buhmeyer jam, pickles, salsa, knitting •Ricki Grunberg/Jane Leussler TRUTH SPRINGS of SAUK COUNTY jewelry, wooden pens, more •Rhonda Headings/Becky Mitchell SPRING VALLEY SOAPWORKS homemade soap •Harriet Pedley beans, tomatoes, flowers, herbs, cucumbers, eggplant •Tony Schulz RICHLAND AREA SHEEP PRODUCERS composted sheep manure |
•James Smith
vegetable and herb bedding plants •Paul/Christine Swanson/Paul Jr. SPRING RUN FARM and THE BREADERY bakery items (breads, scones, +), cereal, coffee •Duane Thomas Muscoda nuts, jams, jellies, mushrooms •Robyn/John Tiller CENTURY FARM pottery, maple syrup •Vang Shoua Moua produce •Diane Wenham+ Richland Center herbs, vegetables, craft items •Kenneth H. Yoder/Ada Lorene Yoder/Barbara Yoder WINDY RIDGE BAKERY bakery items (pies, breads, cookies, pastries +), jams, candy, eggs •Joshua & Samantha Witte SAMANTHA'S SWEETS cupcakes, scones, breads, bars, nuts, cakes herbs, radishes, beets •Stephen and Matthew Zimmerman produce •Sue Sharp ZZ HONEY FARM honey, honey-related items, soap, lotions |